- Wiewelhove | EN
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- Wiewelhove Sustainability
Wiewelhove Sustainability
Ecologic, economic, social
Wiewelhove invests holistically and sustainably in the future. We are actively committed to a climate-friendly and social corporate culture. With numerous projects and the continuous further development of our company, both in terms of production processes, energy consumption and the further training and awareness of our employees, we are setting the standard today for a sustainable tomorrow.
Wiewelhove in 2023

Major investments for the future
Last year we already reported that we are building an additional new production plant, which represents another milestone in the development of Wiewelhove. The implementation of this project is progressing according to plan and is leading to a significant expansion of our production capacities.
In terms of content, we will continue to focus on contract manufacturing of solid dosage forms and will expand the capacities of mixing, compacting, tableting, film coatings and, above all, sugar coating with our new plant.
From a technological point of view, the production rooms and production machines will be state-of-the-art. In detail, this means an innovative air conditioning system to further meet the aspect of sustainability, as well as various new production machines, such as film coaters, coating kettles, tablet presses and container filling systems. In addition, an underground isopropanol tank farm was built, which will supply the existing Dörnebrink plant in addition to the new production facility.
Despite the difficult general conditions described above, Wiewelhove remained on schedule with the construction of the new production plant. It is planned that acceptance by the supervisory authority will take place at the beginning of February 2023 and then start the first validation batches. On this basis, productive use is planned for mid-2023 and, from today's perspective, also realistic.
Immediately adjacent to the site on which the new production plant will be realized, a multi-storey administration building was acquired, which will function as the head office for Wiewelhove from mid-2023.
Holistic production site concept
The above-mentioned new production plant represents one of the largest building blocks in the overall concept planning for Wiewelhove's production facilities. But investments are also continuing at our other locations. Among other things, another fluid-bed-granulation-system has been ordered for the existing Dörnebrink plant, which will be installed in the course of 2023. This machine purchase is also associated with an extension of the building as well as the renewal and expansion of the refrigeration and air conditioning technology, whereby an ice storage facility similar to the new production plant will also be installed for reasons of sustainable energy use.
According to the production facility concept, the Gildestraße site is to be increasingly used for galenic development and small batch production in the future.
With these production logistics adjustments, we create a specialization of the individual locations and at the same time create development scope for galenic development. In the future, we will continue to rely on close cooperation with our customers in order to provide targeted support in the development and establishment of new products.
Company succession and continued existence as a family business
Wiewelhove will remain a family business in the future. Dr. Döbber is expected to lead the company as sole managing director until 2024, when he will expand the management by two managing directors. One managing director position is taken over by Carolin Plagemann as a family member, while the second managing director position is occupied by a person outside the family. From today's perspective, Dr. Döbber will continue to be involved in the management until about 2026, before moving to an advisory board that has yet to be founded, and thus accompanying Wiewelhove after 2026.

Facts and Figures

Amount of toxic emissions (e.g. by drug residues in the waste water) in 2019, 2020 & 2021
We do not produce toxic waste water.

Production waste in 2019, 2020 & 2021
Pharmaceutical waste:
2019 =100.1 t
2020 = 60.8 t
2021 = 68.8 t

Total electricity consumption (in MWh) in 2019, 2020 and 2021
2019= 3644MWh
2020= 3650MWh
2021= 3810MWh

Share of renewable electricity (in % of total electricity consumption) in 2020 & 2021
2020 = 3.15 % (photovoltaic system)
2021 = 2.84 % (photovoltaic system)

Heating energy consumption (in MWh) in 2019 & 2020
2019 = 3553 MWh
2020 = 3074 MWh

Wiewelhove contributes to improving air quality
Ecological thinking and acting are part of the Wiewelhove DNA, and thus also the responsibility to maintain a living and durable environment. For this reason and in order to be able to continue to comply with the statutory standards and specifications regarding emissions, major changes were pending in recent weeks. Due to upcoming formulation changes and capacity expansions and the associated increase in the use of organic solvents in production processes, it is necessary to subject the solvent-containing waste gases to a post-treatment.
In cooperation with Rotamill, the in-house project department realized the construction of an Exhaust gas cleaning system, so Wiewelhove is now able to purify up to 20,000 Nm³ of exhaust air per hour and return it to the environment without any harmful substances. This is realized by a burner that oxidizes the exhaust air streams at temperatures >800 °C, so that all legal requirements are met.
"The implementation in cooperation with Rotamill has worked very well, especially under the aspect of reliability”, says Andreas Rieskamp on behalf of the project management. By implementing this project, Wiewelhove has succeeded in reducing its ecological footprint. Furthermore, it has created the basis for continuing to work successfully on the future.

Wiewelhove takes charging stations into service
A further step towards improving the ecological footprint has been taken. At the request of the management and the Sustainability Committee, a total of 4 charging stations, each with 2 charging points were installed at the Dörnebrink and Gildestraße sites. The responsible persons are very confident that this will increase the number of electrified cars among the workforce. The vehicles provided as company cars already have an electrification rate of approx. 50 %, and the trend is rising.

Trainee project: We design a meadow orchard
Breaks serve to draw new strength for the mental and physical exertion at work. And where is the fastest place to recharge your batteries? That's right, in the fresh air, because fresh air has a relaxing environment that has a significant impact on body and mind. For this reason and because Wiewelhove is an ecological company, the sustainability committee, in cooperation with the human resources department, has set itself another goal. In the coming months and years, the green areas on the company premises are to be gradually expanded and redesigned.
And in keeping with the occasion, there was also a kick-off event in which the trainees of all apprenticeship years were able to become active as executives. Under the direction of gardener Frank Dierkes, an orchard with 20 fruit trees, four hazelnut trees and four elder trees was planted. As a further beautification campaign, the greening of various flat roofs was started. Flower strips, insect islands and benches will follow, transforming parts of the company premises into a small, natural park. The ongoing active support of our trainees is also ensured, because the planned changes are to be implemented in other trainee projects.
The management would like to thank the people involved: Marita Athmer, Frank Dierkes, Mathias Köster, Christian Lünnemann and our trainees, Jehad Alhaman, Melvin Frehe, Frederik Overmeyer, Paul Johannes, Kristina Haubert, Lukas Linke, Eric Schindler, Till Strecke, Paulina Grotemeier, Patrick Nospickel, Alex Krebs, Florian Lubinski , Adrian Malowaniec and Malte Brümmer.

Wiewelhove honored as "Wegbereiter 2022/23”
For the third time, the association "Lernen Fördern" has awarded the seal "Wegbereiter 2022/23" to companies from the district "Kreis Steinfurt". Wiewelhove GmbH and 110 other companies were honored for their extraordinary engagement to offer people with special needs a chance in their professional life.
The HR manager, Ms. Marita Athmer, said on request: "We are very proud of this award and will continue to support people in the future. The past has already shown that young people particularly just need a chance to become a valuable part of the company culture".
More about Lernen Fördern e. V.: https://www.lernen-foerdern-ev.de/